Tuesday, September 4, 2012


It has been 648 days. Six Hundred and Forty Eight Days.

648 days since that last time I left the country. That is equal to exactly 1 year, 9 months, and 9 days. You guys, I'm struggling to say the least. For me, a person who has been traveling consistently and internationally since I was 16, that is a very, very, long time.

I know I'm spoiled. I'm well aware of my indulgent ways. But it's really a sick addiction. You really should be feeling bad for me more than anything else.

I thought that by studying abroad I would be able to kick the habit, you know, get it out of my system. Then, I ended up risking it all and became an illegal alien just so I could continue traveling around Europe. At that point, I knew there was no turning back.
My modus operandi most days.

"Once the travel bug bites there is no known antidote, and I know that I shall be happily infected until the end of my life." -Michael (no relation to Sarah) Palin

So you see what I'm getting at? A terrible affliction.  My brilliant fix this time, as the cabin fever set in was..... New Zealand!

Hannah and I, 2009. Prague Style.

Hannah and I met while studying abroad in Prague. We were both lucky/smart enough to have chosen the best program and the best semester ever to arrive in the Czech Republic. We quickly bonded over our love of 90s dance pop, burcak, and Vaclav Havel. We spent hours and hours each day in cafes planning our future jobs as vagabonds.

Courtney and I, Halloween 2008. We did not end up at Bacci on this particular year, luckily.
Courtney and I met while at Loyola Chicago. We originally would discuss our meeting as happening during our sophomore year, but upon closer inspection of our friendship, turns out we met freshman year at a Halloween party held above Bacci Pizzeria (yup.)

Example of some of the awesome things we got to do in EVOKE. I'm the 1st "E", Courtney is the "O"

But what really brought us together was E.V.O.K.E (Encouraging Vocation through Knowledge and Experience) at Loyola Chicago. An amazing group/club/experience that allowed college students the opportunity to say "I have no idea what I want to do with my life, and that's okay." Since then we have become connoisseurs of the wine + life chat scenario and love the uncertainty that our lives hold.

Suffice to say, all three of us enjoy the feeling of answering the question, "But, what are you going to do?" with, "Anything and everything!"

This is a good reason, too.
So that's where New Zealand comes in. We are going because we can, and we want to. What other reasons do you need? 

We will make our way around the two islands of New Zealand by WWOOFing, Workaway-ing, Couchsurfing, and at some point even working the old fashioned way-- for a paycheck. 

I love being able to share my stories and experiences with you all, and of course, I want to keep it interesting. In order for me to follow through on that promise, both to you and to myself, each post will be highlighting my experience as I try to do/eat/learn something new; food, activity, game, whatever. (Hence the name "Never Have I Ever...") 

I'm not saying they will all be extreme, (although skydiving is on the shortlist) but I hope to take full advantage of my time in NZ, and this will help keep me accountable for that!

We've all heard the Eleanor Roosevelt quote, "Do one thing every day that scares you."  And while that is the over all idea here, I do still have a life/potentially a job/commitment issues so once a day is going to be hard for me to accomplish. I will try really really hard to stick with once a week. 

                    Suggestions and advice are welcome---let the good times roll! 


  1. Yah!!! I am so unbelievable excited for you two! I remember leaving home for NZ and not knowing what the future held, but just that is was going to be good! Just like Prague change my life, so did living in NZ. I grew so much, felt so lucky to live in the most beautiful country on earth and bagged a real life kiwi (well Dylan is half kiwi!) And best part I am moving back in about a years time to get my partnership visa and then residence! Yah! I know you two will love it so much and can't wait to follow all your adventures. I will be down under for another 2 months (whhat, can't believe where the times gone!) but feel I will meet you in NZ. Promise me you'll visit Queenstown! Love!

  2. We are heading to Queenstown on Monday!! Come visit us in Wellington in October!!

  3. Saw this and thought it would be perfect for someone who took a one-way flight across the globe:

